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Easy steps to a healthy lifestyle

 Easy steps to a healthy lifestyle.

One in four New York adults has high blood pressure Without treatment.

Easy steps to a healthy lifestyle.

High blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, arterial problems, kidney and

Increases the risk of eye problems and premature death.

You eat healthy and be physically active

Staying high can stop and control high blood pressure.

Healthy habits to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight, stress

Managing, maintaining more energy and children and grandchildren, grandchildren

Can help you set a good example for newcomers.

These guidelines help you develop healthy habits, including saving time and money

Provides easy steps for

Do this once a day - easy changes are easy to maintain for a long time

It gets wet.

Even a small alternate could make a massive difference.

Let's get started!

Easy steps to a healthy lifestyle.
01 What is healthy food?

  1. Foods
  2. Drinks
  3. Snacks
  4. How does?
  5.  Shop wisely
  6. Choose low sodium
  7. Cook nutritious food
  8. Eat well when eating out

In today's world of fast food and heavy portions,
* Finding balance is not always easy. Most adults burn about 2,000 calories a day or less
A maximum of 300.2 mg of sodium is required.

Eating more calories than you can burn through physical activity can lead to weight gain
High blood pressure can lead to health problems such as heart disease, diabetes and some cancers.
Too much sodium (salt) in your diet can increase your risk of high blood pressure
Everyone should limit the amount of sodium in their diet; If your blood pressure is high, this is it
Especially important. Most sodium in the average American's diet is packaged, not salted
Comes from canned and hotel meals. Compare labels when buying foods and preserve foods such as whole foods

Cook with grains, beans and produce, so that your diet is low in sodium.
This section will help you manage calories and portion size. You prepare your plate
Additional guidance on how to make a healthy plate is included in this booklet
Can be obtained from the worksheet.


  • A healthy
  • Prepare the plate
  • From the right size plate or bowl

Get started. Suggestion:More guidance

  • Added to this booklet for
  • "Making a Healthy Plate"
  • Use a worksheet called
  • Adult plate all around
  • Must be 9 inches and baby plate
  • Must be 7 inches on all four sides.
  •  Fill 1/2 part with fruits and vegetables.
  •  1/4 part protein (lean meat) such as grilled chicken breast and pork muscle
  • Meat (, seafood)
  • Fill with skinless fish (or vegetable options) such as beans, eggs or tofu.
  •  Fill 1/4 portion with whole grains or starch.

  • Eat more fruits and vegetables
  • Fruits and vegetables have a lot of fiber that you can use
  • Helps to feel full even on low calories
  • Is. Eat a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables daily
  • Consists of

Choose what.

  •  A variety of colorful fruits and vegetables such as spinach,
  • Carrots, cauliflower, okra, sweet capsicum, cucumber, beans
  • Sprouts, zucchini, apples, watermelons, peaches, oranges and tomatoes.
  • Processed foods, especially those that are high in fat
  • Avoid sodium.
  •  Fresh, frozen and canned fruits and vegetables. Instead of syrup
  • Look for canned fruit in your own juice. Such a box
  • Choose closed vegetables that are low in or high in sodium
  • Salt is not added. ) Nutritional facts labels and suggestions
  • To learn more about sodium levels
  • See page 15. (
  •  Instead of juice, preserved fruits, such as papaya, peach, guava, leopard,
  • Watermelon, pear, pomegranate, lychee, and mango. More in whole fruits
  • There are fibers and it helps to feel full
  • Do
  • Start your own garden if possible. You niche your window
  • I can grow plants and vegetables in pots.

 With you It will also help save money!

Easy steps to a healthy lifestyle.

  • How to save money
  •  Fruits and vegetables taste good and are less seasonal
  • Are expensive. Find out at your local farmer's market.
  •  In New York City, many farmers market "SNAP"
  • Accept (also known as food stamps)
  • (EBT (Electronic Benefits Transfer) card
  • Spend 5 5 on fruits and vegetables using and
  • Buck Health (Get Coupon -
  • Who buy fruits and vegetables at NYC farmers markets
  • Good for Health kits are available all year round.
  •  Buy whole fruits and vegetables intact instead of chopped.
  •  Store brands and when buying frozen or canned fruits and vegetables
  • Find sales.
  •  Some fruits and vegetables like leafy greens and berries quickly
  • They go bad - use them first. Stem
  • Vegetables such as winter squash, radish, lily root, carrot and
  • Sugar canes last longer.
  •  Consider becoming a CSA member. CSA means community
  • Supported Agriculture (Community Supported Agriculture).
  • CSAs give residents a vegetable from a local farmer
  • Buy "share" of high quality, up to local production
  • Facilitate direct access. June to October
  • Or until November, weekly or twice a week
  • A portion of production on a convenient nook in the suburbs
  • Provides. To learn more about CSA,

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